Relevé translates to: To lift; or to Rise up!
To rise up, is to show up! And you are worth showing up for!
Hi, Im Gabrielle!
Fitness has always been my go to for self care! I have a passion for ballet and healthy movements that provide nurturing and youth to the body. I am a firm believer that workouts should make you feel glowing with good vibes, reduce stress and be something you look forward to. A practice that empowers you to rise up and be all that you were created to be. Throughout my career as a personal trainer I have always strived to help my clients develop this positive relationship with exercise, nutrition and themselves.
My training career started as a necessity to finish rehabbing my body after a car accident that required surgery. Post physical therapy, I was not satisfied with my level of healing. I was still in pain and unable to keep up with my previous level of activity. Per recommendation of my chiropractor I joined a gym. Being that I am a do it yourself kind of girl, I began educating myself on the proper exercises necessary to reduce my pain and limitations. After a long summer of breaking down scar tissue, minimizing muscle imbalances and the right combo of ice, heat and rest my body was mostly healed. I do have some structural damage that cant be undone. So I continue to care for my body with all I have learned along the way. Ultimately I am grateful for this hardship as it has given me the ability to help so many others
I have always had an attention to detail. I like to be efficient and effective with anything I create or spend my time on. So creating a workout with the idea of being repeated allowed me to put even more focus into the careful selection of each movement , sequence and duration. Resulting in kick butt workouts that truly sculpt the body beautiful in a nurturing way!
As with any fitness plan quality planning and staying consistent are the keys to results. So I designed videos to address specific needs so my clients could repeat the necessary movements until stronger. And then we could focus on new things during our sessions. Clients were having such great results, more video requests kept coming in and the video library kept growing. You can now find many of these videos for free on you tube.
I am so happy you are here and I look forward to hearing your success story.
See you at the barre!
xoxo/ Gabrielle
National Academy of Sports Medicine, NASM Personal Training Certification
Studio Owner/ Group Fitness Director Certification
Real Ryder Indoor Cycling Certification
Ballet Barre Certification
Additional Expereince
Physical Therapy Technician - Assisting the doctor with diagnostic notes and prescribed therapies. Creating exercise plans for patients.
Chiropractic - Designing exercises plans for patients with Doctor guidance of his x - ray findings.
Holistic Medical Assistant- Explaining the Doctors nutritional, medical supplementation and other protocols to the patients. Assisting patients with the doctor prescribed medical detoxification program.
Have something specific you want to work on?
Custom videos and virtual personal training sessions are available upon request via e-mail. Please allow up to 48 hours for a response.